via Corks and Caftans, via Wish Jar
toss/turn, listen to the fan, toss/turn, sing the star spangled banner, toss/turn, listen to the rain, toss/turn, toss/turn, think of the bills I need to pay, toss/turn, turn horizontal, turn back vertical, burry my head under the pillow, toss/turn, wonder if the main character in the book I'm reading is going to redeem himself, listen to the rain, toss/turn, wonder what the hell time it is, toss/turn, say the pledge of allegiance, contemplate the pros and cons of a “talk” I need to have, toss/turn, toss/turn, start to doze off... Too late... Turn off alarm.
Quotes from the Weekend
Me: “My ex used to say that Halloween is just an excuse for girls to dress like whores.”
Lil Miss Sunshine: “Yeah, but especially for us good girls, the other girls can dress like that all the time.”
Family Friend: “Some brazilian’s leave a small amount of hair, some people want it all gone and I usually ALWAYS clean up the rear.”
Titi1 (Aunt1): “Really... Why? No one sees back there.”
(Insert hysterical laughter from the ladies in my family)
Titi2 (Aunt2): (semi-whispers) “You mean you don’t do doggiestyle?”
(Insert more hysterical laughter)
Lil Miss Hot Potato: “I was reading about Madame Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV and she said something along the lines, ‘I fancy you, even if it's only for a minute, I will take this passing madness.’ I feel like that's all my life has been... moments of passing madness."
Lil Miss Sunshine: “Yeah, but especially for us good girls, the other girls can dress like that all the time.”
Family Friend: “Some brazilian’s leave a small amount of hair, some people want it all gone and I usually ALWAYS clean up the rear.”
Titi1 (Aunt1): “Really... Why? No one sees back there.”
(Insert hysterical laughter from the ladies in my family)
Titi2 (Aunt2): (semi-whispers) “You mean you don’t do doggiestyle?”
(Insert more hysterical laughter)
Lil Miss Hot Potato: “I was reading about Madame Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV and she said something along the lines, ‘I fancy you, even if it's only for a minute, I will take this passing madness.’ I feel like that's all my life has been... moments of passing madness."
my moments,
So Much Pleasure.
Wednesday I had a nice lil date planned with Lil Miss Honsauce...
I got some tix to Centerstage for a play and we were going to meet at Iggies prior for some gourmet pizza and byob wine! So needless to say, I was pumped. 3 o’clock rolls round and one of my boss’ offers me free Alicia Keys tix. For a minute, I’m like well... I already have plans to go to the theater, blah/blah. Then I’m like-hold it, “Alicia Keys? Hell yeah!” So I contacted LM Honsauce and said, “change of plans!” I’ve always been an Alicia Keys fan, but not die-hard. After this concert though, I may need to move her up my charts... She was phenomenal! So crispy, so passionate and the show was visually spectacular. Robin Thicke opened for her. I'm not big on modern/male/R&B singers. Most of it is a lil too cheeseball for me. Men don’t “talk” like that and even if they did, I might roll round the floor it a fit of laughter. I did get a kick out of him making love to the microphone and the ladies going nuts!
This is how single girls who can't afford their social lives are gettin' down these days...
"How do you give me so much pleasure,
cause me so much pain.."
cause me so much pain.."
Lil Miss Honsauce & I gettin' cozy
Alicia Keys goes all Constructivist
Our Pepsi ads... I hate Pepsi BTW. It was more like Lemon/Lime and Absolute.
"These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you..."
You know you've got a good friend when you don’t have to speak to communicate... Entering the arena, LM Honsauce and I spot a classic Bmore photo-op. We look at each other while continuing to walk and say (without speaking), “Oh yeah, we are definitely hittin' that up on the way out!”
my moments,
rad artists
Put a ring on it.
Ladies, ring yourself! These rings won't break the bank,
but they may leave your finger green (remember to apply clear polish to the inside).
Men, these are affordable gift options for you too. I can't speak for all females
(just the ones with style and a sense of humor ;) but most of us would be flattered
to receive a heart ring (not the broken one) or a ring inscribed juicy.
but they may leave your finger green (remember to apply clear polish to the inside).
Men, these are affordable gift options for you too. I can't speak for all females
(just the ones with style and a sense of humor ;) but most of us would be flattered
to receive a heart ring (not the broken one) or a ring inscribed juicy.
be still my closet
Until I find someone to "kill a small horse" for me...
...I'll continue to explore my options. Today on Stephanie Klein's Greek Tragedy, I read this post (in response to a reader's request for advice):
"Here’s the one cliche that holds true on both sides: love something, set it free. If it’s yours, it’ll come back to you… and YOU will want it back. Can you live constantly trying to outsmart, outmaneuver love? Yeah. But it’s no way to live. Bottom line, though, and don’t forget this: if a man loves you, he’ll move heaven and earth to be with you. He’ll choose you, put your relationship first, before any decision he might have made once upon a time before you. If world traveler loved me the way he proclaimed, he would have delayed the trip until we could take it together and let "us" be the adventure. He wouldn’t have let our "now" become a "what if." So I guess what I’m saying is, make sure he’d kill a small horse for you. Once you know he’d do anything to be with you, to stay with you, to explore the possibility of an "us," then you can worry about how hard you both might fall. But you’ll worry together. If he’s not stopping everything for you, I wouldn’t put both feet into the relationship. I’d find a new pair of strappy sandals and choose a different direction.
Ahh, strappy sandals... Just in time for the nice weather!
"Here’s the one cliche that holds true on both sides: love something, set it free. If it’s yours, it’ll come back to you… and YOU will want it back. Can you live constantly trying to outsmart, outmaneuver love? Yeah. But it’s no way to live. Bottom line, though, and don’t forget this: if a man loves you, he’ll move heaven and earth to be with you. He’ll choose you, put your relationship first, before any decision he might have made once upon a time before you. If world traveler loved me the way he proclaimed, he would have delayed the trip until we could take it together and let "us" be the adventure. He wouldn’t have let our "now" become a "what if." So I guess what I’m saying is, make sure he’d kill a small horse for you. Once you know he’d do anything to be with you, to stay with you, to explore the possibility of an "us," then you can worry about how hard you both might fall. But you’ll worry together. If he’s not stopping everything for you, I wouldn’t put both feet into the relationship. I’d find a new pair of strappy sandals and choose a different direction.
Ahh, strappy sandals... Just in time for the nice weather!
Look at these effing hipsters.
If you have not visited the site, please do so here.
The following are a couple of my fave's...
☜ This is a personal reminder to get an airbrushed Tshirt of my face ASAP! If not for Halloween, then for the pure hilarity of it.
Passing Inspection
I wish I could run Carfax reports for new prospects. Find out of any past major incidences that would hinder their performance. If involved in an incident (accident), was the damage purely external (structural) or did it go deeper. How many “owners” have handled them? Do they have salvage, rebuild or lemon titles? Mileage, rear-collisions (ok-gross), safety inspections... The analogies are endless. Can’t think of anything witty to call it right now... If you can, please let me know. But, I’m sure woman and men alike would pay for one upfront.
A tale of 3 cities: Where the boys are.
What's the 1st factor to consider when scoping out a new city??? Job Market? Real Estate? Cost of Living? Public Transit? No/no/no... The single men ratio, of course. The Daily Beast recently posted a story on the Best and Worst Cities to Meet Men. Out of the 36 biggest cities, here is how our area ranked (1 being the best and so on...):
6. Washington, DC – A city that's all about networking unwinds at some of the best happy hours in the country, and unlike its hipper neighbor New York, people actually have time for a social life.
15. Baltimore – At its heart, "Bawlamer" is still a working-class enclave, where hardy men have lingered to work in manufacturing and shipping.
25. Philadelphia – A major-league city, to be sure, but we're sorry to say that Philadelphia resides in the bush leagues when it comes to men.
BTW: Top 3 were Atlanta, Boston and Seattle, Bottom 3 were San Antonio, El Paso and Jacksonville
Other stats put Baltimore at 3 extra single Woman per 1000 people, Washington DC at 2 extra single Men per 1000 people and Philadelphia at 3 extra single Woman per 1000 people (in the 30-44 age bracket). Check out Cali, looks like I'm on the wrong coast...
***DC and Philly prints available for purchase here via The Heads of State and Balt amour T available here via this clever chic.
The Hearty Project endorses this show...
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • How to Make it in America • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Check it out on HBO, Sunday nights! Similar feel to Entourage (same producers), but East Coast and gritty. In contrast, these characters are all struggling to make a name for themselves (and get that dolla ;) on the ground level (making it more relatable). One of the leads, "Cam" is PERFECTLY acted by Victor Rasuk and is an instant add to the honey-list. Great soundtrack... download the mixtape here (featuring Kid Cudi-also in the show).
All St. Patty'd out...
Saturday we celebrated St. Patty's Day in Bmore. What does St. Patty's mean to me? ...absolutely nothing besides the fact that it's an excuse to dress in head2toe green–I don't even drink beer, but if ya can't beat'em join'em... We started with a lovely brunch at my neighbors house stocked with every breakfast treat imaginable and mimosa's–yumm! After a quick stop to Fed Hill, we made our way to the mayhem that encompasses the Canton Square. It was the usual bar hopp, with a detour to the corner Quizno's (yes, Quizno's), where we encountered these adorable lil entrepreneur's trying to make a buck off of the emerald-clad drunkards–way to go Ladies!
This chic has needs.
There is nothing better than encountering a marathon airing of a series on TV when hungover. Even better if the weather is grey and you have a Coke Slurpee in hand. Yesterday I had 2 out of 3. All bundled on the couch with my super-soft down comforter, I got sucked into a Soprano’s marathon. The episodes that I caught were when Carm and Tony were separated. Carm was entertaining the thought of dating AJ’s counselor. She goes to dinner with her priest friend and while he’s swirling spaghetti ‘round his fork, she tells him that she’s met “someone”. That they were just working on a “project” together and began to grow feelings for one another. The priest (not really showing much emotion, but def not approving) asks her, “What does Tony think about this?” Carm says that she really doesn’t think it’s any of Tony’s business, besides God only knows what he’s up to and where he’s been... The priest then begins to guilt her a bit, saying regardless they are still married, blah/blah and what would God think... She says, "Well wasn’t it God that brought this man into my life?" He replies, “Are you sure it was God and not some need your trying to fill?" She now begins to dig into her own plate of pasta and says, “Now I never understood that reasoning, wasn’t it God that put that need there in the first place?” Amen Sista. Waiter now comes to the table and asks the priest if he’d like pepper, just in time because he's obviously at a loss for words. Soprano’s was excellent at awkward silence.
This chic gives me straight chillz.
Opening for Jack Ingram at Ram Head On Stage on Thursday, March 25. Unfortunately for me, Jack Ingram is Country... I may have to suck it up. Check out short article here on how this 25 year-old Oklahoma singer/songwriter got her initial break. Album drops May 18th!
Do yourself a favor and listen.
Damn that David Grey.
Last night, I celebrated an exhilarating class of Zumba with $2 tacos at a local county dive. While catching up with my gf Jenn, we were approached by a regular. The first sentence out of his mouth was, "So Ladies, what can I play you from the jukebox, Megadeath, Judas Priest, or Iron Maiden?" Wow! Decisions/decisions... I told him that GnR and Metallica is about as heavy as I go. He goes to the jukebox, makes his selections and strolls on back. For about 10 minutes he insists on us guessing who is playing... it's not Metallica, it's not GnR. He even gets other patrons involved, but eventually he reveals that it's Slipnot. Wonderful. He then proceeds to throw his "game" at me. Telling me back in the day he was much more "svelte" and was considered "the cat's meow" (quote/unquote). We point to a painting on top of the stone fireplace and ask if he knows who it's of. He informs us that it's "the most interesting man in the world", from the Dos Equis commercials (I'm familiar with them, but I didn't have my glasses on). Maybe we commented on his handsomeness because he tells us that–that's what he's going to look like in 10 years.
So, I now have an idea what he looked like 10 years ago and what he'll look like 10 years from now. He obviously needs some help in selling the here and now! Eventually one of the staff steered him away from us fearing that he was offending. But I actually thought he was a sweet dude. I drew a quickie sketch of him, but now that I look at it... it looks a lil more like a hairy chic.
Not sure what this scenario has to do with my drive home (besides being mildly entertaining)... but driving home that night/listening to David Grey, I started to feel a bit lonely. I don't miss checking in with anyone and I am extremely independent/self-sufficient (I will stand on my tip-toes on the very last step of the ladder-the one with the warning-to do it by myself), but it would be nice to have someone check and see if I got home ok. Just a quick call, nothing big. Or, it would be nice to come home and crawl into someone's armpit for 5 minutes (that's about my snuggle threshold... depending). That's all. It would be nice.
So, I now have an idea what he looked like 10 years ago and what he'll look like 10 years from now. He obviously needs some help in selling the here and now! Eventually one of the staff steered him away from us fearing that he was offending. But I actually thought he was a sweet dude. I drew a quickie sketch of him, but now that I look at it... it looks a lil more like a hairy chic.
Not sure what this scenario has to do with my drive home (besides being mildly entertaining)... but driving home that night/listening to David Grey, I started to feel a bit lonely. I don't miss checking in with anyone and I am extremely independent/self-sufficient (I will stand on my tip-toes on the very last step of the ladder-the one with the warning-to do it by myself), but it would be nice to have someone check and see if I got home ok. Just a quick call, nothing big. Or, it would be nice to come home and crawl into someone's armpit for 5 minutes (that's about my snuggle threshold... depending). That's all. It would be nice.
my moments
The Zach Effron of my time.
So sad to hear this morning that my very 1st male obsession passed away...
I worshipped Corey Haim as a lil 8/9 year-old. I remember going to the corner store and buying Bop or Teen Beat instead of candy, just for the mini posters of him. Loved Lost Boys and the not-so-popular Dream a Little Dream, still do. Some current details of his death here.
If I could do just one near perfect thing I'd be happy.
Last week seemed like I could do no right... Turds amassed everywhere I turned. My texts were misinterpreted, I gave myself whiplash from acting like a nut at a concert, I had a migraine that incapacitated me for a full day, I slacked at work, I lost my glasses, I locked myself out of my house right before a date, I missed most of my lil cousin's bounce party. I didn't even go out Friday night for fear I sneeze in the wrong direction. I may need to slow down a bit... This week is lookin' a lil better, well at least I found my glasses–so I can see.
Photo by: Irving Penn
New Heights at the Hippodrome
Yesterday, I went to the Hippodrome Theatre with my family to see In the Heights.
In the Heights tells the universal story of a vibrant community in Manhattan's Washington Heights – a place where the coffee from the corner bodega is light and sweet, the windows are always open, and the breeze carries the rhythm of three generations of music. It's a community on the brink of change, full of hopes, dreams and pressures, where the biggest struggles can be deciding which traditions you take with you, and which ones you leave behind.
The show was phenomenal! First off, I consider myself a Musical aficionado. I was exposed to Broadway at an early age and have been a die-hard fan ever since. The elaborate sets/costumes/dances, passionate belting out of one’s inner most fears and desires... What's not to love??? I crank Musicals in the hood (probably one of the reasons no one messes with me).
Though a majority of the humor and storytelling revolved around Latin themes and inside jokes, I think everyone can relate to feelings of wanting to make “something” of yourself and wanting to make your family/community proud. I connected on that level, but on so many others... The set design brought back many nostalgic memories of Brooklyn (where I spent most of my early childhood). The music was very much modern-day Salsa/Hip Hop influenced, which I love to dance to. Also, the interaction of the characters felt like home... Odd sayings I’ve only heard from my grandmother mouths, loving low-blows I only hear around the family “table” (we are rarely all seated).
I highly recommend it.
Only thing... I was hoping for more Latino’s in the crowd. We did go at 1pm on a Sunday, which could’ve been the reason. Lot’s of senior citizens, some of whom didn’t appreciate our riotous laughter. REALLY? You’re going to see a show about colorful/boisterous Latin folk and your going to give the Latin folk the stank eye for laughing at themselves. Silly. The only Latin folk we did run into-we knew, backing up my “I know all the Latino’s in a 30mile radius” theory.
In the Heights tells the universal story of a vibrant community in Manhattan's Washington Heights – a place where the coffee from the corner bodega is light and sweet, the windows are always open, and the breeze carries the rhythm of three generations of music. It's a community on the brink of change, full of hopes, dreams and pressures, where the biggest struggles can be deciding which traditions you take with you, and which ones you leave behind.
The show was phenomenal! First off, I consider myself a Musical aficionado. I was exposed to Broadway at an early age and have been a die-hard fan ever since. The elaborate sets/costumes/dances, passionate belting out of one’s inner most fears and desires... What's not to love??? I crank Musicals in the hood (probably one of the reasons no one messes with me).
Though a majority of the humor and storytelling revolved around Latin themes and inside jokes, I think everyone can relate to feelings of wanting to make “something” of yourself and wanting to make your family/community proud. I connected on that level, but on so many others... The set design brought back many nostalgic memories of Brooklyn (where I spent most of my early childhood). The music was very much modern-day Salsa/Hip Hop influenced, which I love to dance to. Also, the interaction of the characters felt like home... Odd sayings I’ve only heard from my grandmother mouths, loving low-blows I only hear around the family “table” (we are rarely all seated).
I highly recommend it.
Only thing... I was hoping for more Latino’s in the crowd. We did go at 1pm on a Sunday, which could’ve been the reason. Lot’s of senior citizens, some of whom didn’t appreciate our riotous laughter. REALLY? You’re going to see a show about colorful/boisterous Latin folk and your going to give the Latin folk the stank eye for laughing at themselves. Silly. The only Latin folk we did run into-we knew, backing up my “I know all the Latino’s in a 30mile radius” theory.
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