I started online dating again. Call it a momentary life lull. A friend of mine posted a link to his profile on Ok Cupid asking for advice. After checking out his profile, I found myself almost subconsciously filling out my own. I genuinely signed up with zero expectation. I thought the site was well-designed and I had some time to kill. In general, I try to keep an open-mind to online dating, but from experience I know it can be fruitless and exhausting.
At a time when dudes should be the least of my focus–I meet 2 genuine, attractive, thoughtful guys (whom I endearingly nickname Sweet Lips and Mr. February). So I do what comes as natural as applying mascara at a red light... I casually date them both. I make no promises and I encourage them to date other people (mostly out of my own guilt). I can feel almost immediately that this will not be enough for either of them. My luck that I meet probably the last 2 men in the (410) that are not afraid of the "C" word. This is good luck, right? I'm 2 times as lucky, but now I am torn between deciding between 2 great guys. Lucky me. These guys have different interests, musical taste, hobbies, etc. It's like comparing brie to manchego and I'm a chic that likes cheese and variety. Not sure if that analogy worked, but maybe you get the picture.
Well lucky 'ole Me. This weekend was Virgin Fest and when Lil Miss Taco Tuesday had a change of plans I invited Sweet Lips to join me. He had prior plans to attend an annual family crab feast. We decided to stop by there for a bit and then drive down to the concert in time to catch the major acts. I was meeting some of his family (mainly his cousins) for the 1st time, no biggie. I'm outside on a gorgeous day at his cousin's house digging into crabs. 3 and I'm over it. I leave Sweet Lips outside and go into the kitchen to wash my hands. I'm munching on some green beans as Mr. February walks into the room. I would give up cheese and chocolate for a week to see the reaction on my face at that moment. I do remember how I felt... Total and utter disbelief! Like woah OR holy shitballs! Krusty the Clown could've walked in the room and I would've felt less shock. These 2 dudes that I would've never put in similar social circles are about to stand in the same room... AND, I am so busted or am I? I did have a total initial panic. Mainly, I wanted to avoid embarrassment for everyone involved. Ok, mainly for myself. Panic turned into awkward/inward laughter, especially after introducing one to another and then kinda back to scared stiff as I watched the minutes tick down on the industrial-size clock.
I left (escaped) without an ugly confrontation and opted to admit the sticky situation to Sweet Lips after the concert. Turns out that Mr. February plays in the same string quartet as Sweet Lips's cousin's wife. Follow that? Doesn't matter. It's a ridiculous coincidence and although I was upfront about my casualness with both of them... I still feel like a creep. A creep that needs to figure out what she really wants as not to upgrade to jerk status. Not sure how I actually feel about the "C" word anymore? I was just becoming a pro at the one more readily used in relationships these days... Casual.