A bit of background: This weekend marked one of my 1st weekends as a single girl, after breaking up with my boyfriend of 1 1/2 years. The breakup wasn’t bad by any means. He was a great guy, just not the guy for me. Regardless, I had this feeling of needing to find myself again–very typical after any relationship. You get so caught up in another person’s world that you forget what you’re really into. Everything is on your terms again, no compromise. So you’re rediscovering music, art, travel, activities that get you going. Also, you might have the self-destructive need to play with fire-metaphorically speaking.
After being inspired by Fuerza Bruta, I was definitely ready for some rediscovery :) LM Honsauce and I took a cab to some downtown bars. On the 2nd level of Piano’s we did a bit of dancing and cheersing. We met a group of boys that were there for a bachelor party (I know-recipe for disaster). One of them kinda caught my eye and we started to dance and chat a bit. After a while, the boys decided to relocate to some rooftop party. The boy I had been talking to invited us and we exchanged numbers. They left and we contemplated what to do...
I of course was open to the possibility of whatever. We walked out and decided we were hungry, stopped in a kabob place and met some guys while in line. We all sat together and ate. I started talking to one more intently. At this point LM Honsauce was calling it quits, so she hopped in a cab and I continued on with total strange dude who seemed harmless enough. We hopped over to another bar and continued to drink and dance. I was having a good time, but Piano’s dude kept texting/calling asking me to come meet him at this rooftop party. Being that I was slightly more interested in him than current dude, I opted to go. Current dude put me in a cab and he caught the 2nd one that came. I gave the cabbie the address of the party. When I got to said block I called Piano’s dude. He said that he wasn’t even there yet and would be there in 5 minutes! I proceeded to bitch a bit and then decided to wait. I went into a corner bodega to grab some water and kill time. I called him again and no answer. After waiting for what seemed like enough time (maybe 3 minutes), I decided to walk and catch a cab. I begin walking up the block and who do I run into??? Dude from the 2nd bar. I stumbled over an excuse as to why I was there and decided to accept his invitation into his apartment-which was on the very same block. After touring his 300 sq. ft. apartment, having a glass of wine and making out a bit, I decided I needed to leave. Frankly, I was not that interested and it dawned on me that this was probably not the best decision.
I walked to the corner and tried to call a cab, but before that I called LM Honsauce because everything was a bit hazy and I couldn’t remember where the hotel was and I didn’t have cash. I called her multiple times and no answer. At this point, I’m feeling a bit helpless and the streets are deserted (I know it’s NYC, but seriously no one in sight). Now Piano’s dude is ringing, but I’m too irritated or intoxicated to answer. As I cross the street I run into 2 guys. They look like they’ve been drinking, but again harmless enough. They immediately recognize that I’m lost and in need of a “friend”. I explain my story in helpless girl fashion and they take me under their wing. I describe the neighborhood I was staying in and the approximate blocks. For a bit we just walk the streets and talk about life... I think. Eventually they volunteer to take me to my hotel. We hop in a cab and they give cabbie some directions. I’m in the back seat of this cab with 2 strangers who just randomly appeared to help me and I can’t understand it. I start to get all emotional drunk Me and ask why? “Why are you helping me?” They respond that it’s just “their way”. That’s how his people are... That they are what you would call “gypsies”... from Brazil. That someday maybe I will be able to repay the favor, if not to him, for someone else. Seriously, now I’m really blown. The cab stops in front of my hotel and they wish me well.
I know what your thinking... Either I’m incredibly naïve to be so trusting of strangers or I need to keep my hormones in check. Well at no point did I intend to hook up with anyone, see this. And yes, some if not most of the decisions I made were pretty dumb, but I was going through this–I’m so tired of feeling nothing, that I want to feel a whole lot of something-phase. I’m not normally that impulsive. Luckily, I had 2 Brazilian Angels guarding me.
And another thing... What are the chances??? Thinking back on this really freaked me out. NYC is insanely overpopulated and I happen to stumble on the block of the dude that just put me in a cab and then stumble into 2 gypsies that take me under their wing. These events as random as they seem, couldn’t be random. I felt like although I was an idiot for putting myself in these situations, it was validation that I was exactly where I should be. Recently turning 30 had put constant waves of anxiety in my life that I wasn’t accomplishing enough, that I should be somewhere else. But this night, I was right where I needed to be and if that was the case than there was no need to worry.
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