I found his aphrodisiac.

No not that... Well... maybe that too... But look below!

Way cheaper (in most cases) than any Vicky's items, so I'm happy about that. Although... I've never really been a hat person. I've always wanted to be! I just don't think I've found the hat for me. Lately, any time I pass one I've been trying it on, but just getting frustrated because I can't tell if it's "me" or not. While at the mall the other day, I tried some on with Sweet Lips and he gave me the thumbs up or thumbs down and basically dragged me to the register with my purchase. He was damn near giddy at the sight of me wearing a hat. It was pretty funny. So, I settled on a simple straw hat with black ribbon trim... nothing too flappy or big, but a nice size/wide brim option. I'll take some pics this weekend while I rock it on the beach!
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