The gifts that keep on giving

The best gifts are the ones received just cuz. Received on a day that's not Christmas or your birthday. Received unexpectedly from someone who noticed something that would make your life just a lil bit easier, safer or more fun.

Don't get me wrong, receiving bling as a gift is Grrreeat (like Tony would say), but almost as good is when a dude buys a gift because he's really paying attention to what you say or how your living your life. Example: I once got a humidifier from a boyfriend who noticed how congested I would wake up each morning... Not so sexy but sweet. Another Example: Another boyfriend, after noticing that I had no way to view guests or people knocking at my door (no good-in the hood) bought me a peep hole. He came over with his drill and automatically got to work ;) In other words-he didn't even ask my permission, just drilled a hole in my door and installed a peep hole. Now that was VERY sexy! Another Example: The dude that bought me a new set of wine glasses after seeing I had broken all but one. Another Example: The dude that bought me a set of Shamwow towels after seeing how water splashes all over my counter when washing dishes. Ironically, I use them now for anything but that purpose... Another Example: My recent honey who bought me a remote for my Mac, since I use it regularly as a stereo and TV.

Sure these gifts are predominantly practical, but they are a sign that you are staying on their mind (in a good way). I think often we assume that what we say to our dudes goes in one ear and out the other, which in general-is the case. That's why it's extra special when they randomly go out of their way to give us a gift that we may not have even thought of for ourselves. These are the gifts that I remember.

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