But can you juggle?

Recently the room’s conversation centered around the number of suitors Mouth has had, which are slim. She married her high school sweetheart, not much playing the field there. May commented shortly after that her father was the only man her mother has ever kissed... Like woah! So, I’m in the middle like damn, “I must’ve kissed a million men in my life so far.” A bit of an exaggeration, but necessary for comparison.

Those examples produced successful/happy marriages and they didn’t need to explore their options, so I got to thinkin’... Is it possible that too much dating can do damage? I have explored so many options (artists, musicians, lawyers, IT nerds, military, short, mostly tall, Korean, Italian, thoughtful, self-centered...) Maybe I’ve gotten a taste (try to keep it clean, please) of such a variety of men, that I look for a piece of them in every man I meet (well at least the traits I'm fond of). This is damn near impossible for anyone to live up to, but it’s hard not to compare...


Magic of Making Up said...

This same question also arises in my mind that can too much dating can damage more life.

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